[3] Collection(s) PCMath à CTLES

Titre Périodique ISSN Etat de Collection Lacunes
Buletinul Universităţilor "V. Babeş" şi "Bolyai" Cluj. Seria Ştiinţele naturii PCMath - Colref Unica 0365-9216 Vol. 1 n° 1 (1957) - Vol. 1 n° 2 (1957)

British journal of statistical psychology PCMath - Colref Unica 0950-561X Vol. 6 (1953) - Vol. 17 (1964)

Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel. Section F, Mathematics and physics PCMath - Colref 0366-2799 Vol. 7 (1957) - Vol. 10 (1962)