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Corpus Détaillé
Editeurs/Plateformes: EBSCOhost ASP; 103 périodiques
Acta mathematica Hungarica
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Acta mathematica Sinica. English series
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Advances and applications in discrete mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Advances and applications in mathematical sciences
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Advances and applications in statistical sciences
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Advances in differential equations and control processes
lien EBSCOhost ASP
African diaspora journal of mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Albanian journal of mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Algebra and logic
lien EBSCOhost ASP
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Annals of combinatorics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Applied mathematical and computational sciences
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Applied mathematics & optimization
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Archive for history of exact sciences
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Archive for mathematical logic
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Asymptotic analysis
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Australian & New Zealand journal of statistics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática
lien EBSCOhost ASP
British journal of mathematical & statistical psychology
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences. Sec. E, Mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Calculus of variations and partial differential equations
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Carpathian Journal of Mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Chinese annals of mathematics. Ser. B
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Complex variables, theory & application
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Computational linguistics - Association for Computational Linguistics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Differential equations
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Distributed computing
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Dynamical systems
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Dynamics and stability of systems
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Educational studies in mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Evolutionary computation
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Foundations of computational mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Fundamenta informaticae
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Graphs and combinatorics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Homology, homotopy, and applications
lien EBSCOhost ASP
IMA journal of mathematics applied in business and industry
lien EBSCOhost ASP
International Journal of Computer Mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
International journal of game theory
lien EBSCOhost ASP
International journal of general systems
lien EBSCOhost ASP
International journal of shape modeling
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Inventiones Mathematicae
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Inverse problems in engineering
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Inverse problems in science & engineering
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Journal for algebra and number theory academia
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Journal of Analysis and Applications
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Journal of combinatorics, information & system sciences
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Journal of Computational Mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Journal of geometry
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Journal of mathematical sciences
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Journal of nonlinear science
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Journal of statistical physics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Journal of time series analysis
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Letters in mathematical physics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Mathematical and computer modelling of dynamical systems
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Mathematical intelligencer (The)
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Mathematical programming
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Mathematical scientist
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Mathematical systems theory
lien EBSCOhost ASP
MCSS. Mathematics of control, signals and systems
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Multiscale modeling & simulation
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Nonlinear studies
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Numerical functional analysis and optimization
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Parallel algorithms and applications
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Probability theory and related fields
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical sciences
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Real analysis exchange
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Revista colombiana de estadistica
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Scandinavian actuarial journal
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Scandinavian journal of statistics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
SIAM journal on applied dynamical systems
lien EBSCOhost ASP
SIAM journal on applied mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
SIAM journal on computing
lien EBSCOhost ASP
SIAM journal on control and optimization
lien EBSCOhost ASP
SIAM journal on discrete mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis
lien EBSCOhost ASP
SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications
lien EBSCOhost ASP
SIAM journal on numerical analysis
lien EBSCOhost ASP
SIAM journal on optimization
lien EBSCOhost ASP
SIAM journal on scientific computing
lien EBSCOhost ASP
SIAM review
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Siberian mathematical journal
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Southeast Asian bulletin of mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Statistica neerlandica
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Statistical modelling
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Statistics (Berlin)
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Stochastic models
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Stochastics and stochastics reports
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Studies in applied mathematics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Teaching statistics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
The Stata journal
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Theoretical and mathematical physics
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Theory and applications of categories
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Theory of probability and its applications
lien EBSCOhost ASP
Ukrainian mathematical journal
lien EBSCOhost ASP
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